Overcoming fear in Peru

One of the most unexpected aspects of touring has been undertaking television interviews. For some reason I did not foresee this AT ALL. The first TV interview I agreed to was in Colombia. I showed up at the theatre at the appointed time. Two other artists were there and my interpreter was not – (a recurring feature of my interpreters ‘work’). We walked to the television studio – no interpreter there either. I walked into the studio room and fear took over. A camera man, a live show and a tv host that spoke so fast that I found myself blinking 60 times to the minute.

I was able to answer her first question – my name and country, but it was a rapid downhill slide from there. Something about parenthood and kangaroos? I think? I had to ask her to repeat the question a few times and Im pretty sure she didn’t understand a word of my answer and moved on to ignore me for the rest of the interview – thank goodness there were two other artists.

I wasn’t asked to do any tv or radio interviews after that. Until, ofcourse, I got to Peru. My first task was a tv interview. Overall I did three interviews and I have to admit they got better and better. In the first place Peruvians do not speak as fast as Colombians (I’m not sure anyone in the world does!) and my three weeks in Colombia had done wonders for my Spanish.

Mainly though, television in Peru is fascinating. Peruvians are highly political and have free speech. Their president had just been imprisoned and opinions and emotions were flying high. Every time we got to a tv station the hosts were espousing interesting, ruthless, honest commentary. I was in heaven. Australia certainly lacks this form of in-depth, open conversation regarding politics. What a joy to step into.

I talked politics, culture, and told stories and put to bed my fear of the tv interview. Thank you Peru.
